Tag Archives: marketing plans

Avoid These 3 Marketing Mistakes

1 Apr Marketing Jobs In Pakistan

Some believe marketing jobs come in easy packages. No technicalities, no brainstorming. Just an attitude and a will to communicate. If this was the case, anyone can land a job in marketing. But it is really not the case. Marketing is not just about making lead generations, but it is about how to communicate the products or services to the targeted customers.

Marketing is never about selling goods or services. Although, many organizations in Pakistan and in many other countries believe that sales and marketing is one and a same thing. You may have encounter many marketing jobs in Pakistan, requiring a BBA or MBA in marketing candidate to stand eligible for a sales job. Although, a candidate with such an education can perform better than an unqualified or less qualified candidate. But it is not a compulsory thing to have an MBA or BBA degree to land a sales job.

Marketing professionals have to go through a lot of brainstorming and strategizing. They are not hired to make sales, but their objectives go beyond this. A poor strategy can endanger an organization and also put the career at stake. Although, larger firms don’t commit mistakes, but many small or new in business do make some very common mistakes, putting them in danger. I have shared some very common marketing mistakes you must avoid keeping on operating.

Only one person in-charge

Sales fall under marketing. Marketing team develops a plan and sales team has to follow it to generate sales. If the marketing professional didn’t make an effective plan, they will not achieve their objectives.

If, according to the plan, there are not more than one or two salespersons. What a couple of salespersons can do to put the company right on track?

To be successful, there has to be strong and larger team. Think like a client. You might need to buy the services or products, but you don’t like that salesperson. You should not hang up but politely ask for another person with more knowledge.

Remember, the stronger your team the better the chances you will generate sales.

No defined sale process

It is not going to be easy to make new clients. They might not want to buy you, or cannot deal with you at the time you approached them. If this is the case, do not just hang up on them, ask for any other convenient time. Do follow them.

Then there will come a time when clients might want to lead you. Listening to your potential clients is not bad. But just following them is not going to work for your strategies. Do listen but do not only follow their instructions. You have to convince them to your terms and conditions. But this does not mean that you do not have to show flexibilities. Try to cope up with them, so that everyone goes home happily.

With strong marketing plans, marketing executives must also keep an eye on sales team’s plans and strategies. But should not interfere too much.

Do not know their targeted audience

Although, you will not encounter many of such marketing teams, but there are some who are really confused, at least in the beginning, about who their targeted clients are. This shows an extreme mistake by a marketing team.

Knowing your targeted audience is among the initial points to get started.

These are just a few of the mistakes I have encountered and yet there are many more we do talk of. This post might give an idea to those considering marketing jobs easy-going. Without a strong marketing team, you cannot run a business effectively. So, hire and keep training the marketing professionals in your team, even they have an outstanding educational background.